This is a blog about this site, which introduces the lesser-known Emanuel Bach (C. P. E. Bach).
In Emanuel Bachʼs "Trio in C minor for Two Violins and Continuo ʼSanguineus and Melancholicusʼ" (Wq. 161-1), the first movement begins with an allegretto for strings, and is immediately followed by a presto for wind instruments played forte, which surprises the listener ...
There was a composer named Hummel who is now forgotten. He was slightly younger than Beethoven, but at the time, he was considered on par with Beethoven. It is said that Chopinʼs Piano Concerto No. 1 was modeled after Hummelʼs piano concertos in terms of structure, tempo, and oth ...
Emanuel Bach composed over 20 symphonies and sinfonias, and here we highlight 7 of them. Some works are for strings only, while others make extensive use of wind instruments and timpani. By following the links, you can easily listen to performances on YouTube.Sinfonia Wq. 178 in E min ...
C. P. E. Bach composed numerous solo keyboard pieces and concertos, and here we have selected seven keyboard concertos. At the time, the modern piano did not yet exist, and its predecessors, the fortepiano and harpsichord, were mainly used as solo instruments, but there are also performanc ...
C. P. E. Bach composed over 180 solo keyboard pieces and more than 60 concertos. Here, I have selected works from two collections of sonatas and a collection consisting of fantasias, rondos, and sonatas. I hope to add more pieces from the remaining works once I have organized them. By foll ...