This is a blog about this site, which introduces the lesser-known Emanuel Bach (C. P. E. Bach). This English version was translated from Japanese one by ChatGPT.
Miklós Spányi has recorded 20 CDs of keyboard concertos and over 30 CDs of solo pieces by Emanuel Bach. Among these, I have purchased all the concertos and more than 20 of the solo pieces. However, only a limited selection of these are available for sale within Japan.Even for those availab ...
The term “keyboard concerto” used on this site may seem unfamiliar, but before the piano (right in the photo below) became widespread in the late 18th century, instruments like the harpsichord (bottom center), C.P.E. Bachʼs favorite clavichord (top center), and tangent piano were used ...
In Emanuel Bachʼs "Trio in C minor for Two Violins and Continuo ʼSanguineus and Melancholicusʼ" (Wq. 161-1), the first movement begins with an allegretto for strings, and is immediately followed by a presto for wind instruments played forte, which surprises the listener ...
There was a composer named Hummel who is now forgotten. He was slightly younger than Beethoven, but at the time, he was considered on par with Beethoven. It is said that Chopinʼs Piano Concerto No. 1 was modeled after Hummelʼs piano concertos in terms of structure, tempo, and oth ...
Emanuel Bach composed over 20 symphonies and sinfonias, and here we highlight 7 of them. Some works are for strings only, while others make extensive use of wind instruments and timpani. By following the links, you can easily listen to performances on YouTube.Sinfonia Wq. 178 in E min ...
C. P. E. Bach composed over 180 solo keyboard pieces and more than 60 concertos. Here, I have selected works from two collections of sonatas and a collection consisting of fantasias, rondos, and sonatas. I hope to add more pieces from the remaining works once I have organized them. By foll ...
C. P. E. Bach composed numerous solo keyboard pieces and concertos, and here we have selected seven keyboard concertos. At the time, the modern piano did not yet exist, and its predecessors, the fortepiano and harpsichord, were mainly used as solo instruments, but there are also performanc ...
There is a musical motif that frequently appears in the works of Emanuel Bach. The score below is an example of this. It is the final part of Sonatina Wq. 101, and you can see that the three-note motif, highlighted in red, appears repeatedly.This motif also frequently appears in the f ...
While it is common to use WordPress for content management in both blogs and general websites, this site does not use WordPress or any other CMS. Instead, we use a custom program of about 500 lines written in Python. The reasons for this are as follows.Inability to easily create the desire ...
Miklós Spányi has recorded most of the keyboard concertos and solo keyboard works of. Many of these performances can be heard on YouTube, but there are also many that are not available there, and sometimes listening on YouTube is not convenient. Additionally, I am interested in the informa ...
This site contains three lists of works by Emanuel Bach. Since his works have at least two types of catalog numbers, we have created alist in Wq number order and alist in H number order. Additionally, there is alist in chronological order of composition. These lists are compiled by aggrega ...
This site was built using ChatGPT extensively. Additionally, I am using a program called HTML Cleaner and a custom content management program. I will write about these.There is limited information about Emanuel Bach available online. Therefore, when discussing topics related to him with Ch ...
Certainly, here is the complete English translation of the provided text, with the specified tags unchanged:Many of Emanuel Bachʼs keyboard concertos are particularly captivating in their second movements. The same can be said for Mozartʼs piano concertos (for example,No. 23), wh ...
I have featured three YouTube videos on thehomepage. I aimed to select pieces that are characteristic and captivating of Emanuel Bach. When it comes to Emanuel Bachʼs representative works, I believe the first to come to mind are his keyboard concertos and solo keyboard pieces. I chose ...
ChatGPT has learned a vast amount of information, which likely includes conflicting viewpoints. For non-specific questions, ChatGPT will likely support the “mainstream” opinion. However, depending on the content of the conversation, it should be possible to elicit “non-mainstream” opinions ...