This is a blog about this site, which introduces the lesser-known Emanuel Bach (C. P. E. Bach). This English version was translated from Japanese one by ChatGPT.
Miklós Spányi has recorded 20 CDs of keyboard concertos and over 30 CDs of solo pieces by Emanuel Bach. Among these, I have purchased all the concertos and more than 20 of the solo pieces. However, only a limited selection of these are available for sale within Japan.
Even for those available, they need to be ordered from BIS, which means waiting at least a few weeks. The circulation of used CDs is also limited, but when available, they arrive quickly, so I have purchased some in this way. There are still some I am waiting to find as used CDs. What’s great is that even high-quality used CDs can be purchased for less than half the price of a new one.
I bought second-hand CDs to complete my collection of concertos, but there were still three CDs that I could not obtain domestically. One of these (Vol. 1) was purchased from Amazon, shipped from the UK. The last two, which I could not acquire until the end, were bought from an American company, Presto Music. Some concertos are not available in performances other than Spányiʼs, so I managed to acquire all of them this way. As for the solo pieces, there is a 60-CD set of performances by Markovina, so I am considering waiting for the opportunity, despite the difference in instruments (modern piano versus period instruments). If more people want to buy Spányiʼs CDs, they should always be available for purchase. I hope this site helps increase the number of Emanuel Bach fans for that reason…