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The Reason for Not Using WordPress on This Site
This is a blog about this site, which introduces the lesser-known Emanuel Bach (C. P. E. Bach).
The Reason for Not Using WordPress on This Site
While it is common to use WordPress for content management in both blogs and general websites, this site does not use WordPress or any other CMS. Instead, we use a custom program of about 500 lines written in Python. The reasons for this are as follows.
- Inability to easily create the desired site structure:This site assigns hierarchical relationships between items to create a tree structure or DAG, allowing access to upper and lower items and navigation through the structure. Creating such a structure and interface with WordPress is considered not straightforward.
- Too complex:WordPress is complex even in its basic form, and adding features requires incorporating additional plugins. As a result, even a simple site like this one becomes quite complex. A 500-line Python program is much simpler.
- Difficulty in macro processing (unable to address specific needs):We want to incorporate processes to replace certain characters that are not easily input (e.g., ‘“’) with specific strings, and for this site, automatically link Emanuel Bachʼs work numbers (“Wq. XXX”) or names (“J. S. Bach”) to relevant content. WordPress is considered unable to describe such processes concisely. Writing a program in Python makes it easy to incorporate such processes. This site frequently inserts YouTube videos, which can also be easily managed through macros.
This site generates all its pages statically. This results in shorter access times compared to when a management program is called each time. One weakness is the lack of a custom search engine, but one reason for this is to avoid creating security holes. It is considered that this weakness can be somewhat compensated by creating an interface to Google search.