This site introduces unknown Emanuel Bach (C. P. E. Bach).
After the death of his father, Sebastian Bach, Christian Bach was raised by his half-brother, Emanuel Bach. During that time, he composed keyboard concertos and other works without opus numbers, and upon listening to some of these pieces, it becomes clear that they were composed in a style close to Emanuelʼs, specifically in the *Empfindsamer Stil* (sensitive style). I asked ChatGPT4o: "Christian Bach composed keyboard concertos in the Empfindsamer Stil while being raised by Emanuel Bach, but later he pursued his own path as an opera composer. Could it be that he felt the need to establish his own brand after seeing Emanuelʼs success with the Empfindsamer Stil and Friedemannʼs limited success composing in a style closer to their fatherʼs?"
Your observation about Christian Bach receiving Emanuel Bachʼs influence but ultimately choosing his own path is indeed very insightful.
It is certainly believed that Christian Bach was strongly influenced by Emanuel Bach during his youth. The *Empfindsamer Stil* (sensitive style) established by Emanuel was fresh at the time, emphasizing emotionally rich expression and attracting significant attention. Meanwhile, Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, who maintained a style closer to the Baroque era, struggled to gain sufficient recognition and success. Observing this contrast, Christian Bach likely felt the need to explore a different direction from that of Emanuel and Friedemann in order to build his own career.
As a result, he became fascinated by the Italian opera style and chose the path of becoming an opera composer. The Italian influences he absorbed during his time in Milan became deeply rooted in his musical style and contributed to his later success in London. While focusing on opera, Christian Bach also established a refined and distinctive style in concertos and chamber music. His music set him apart from Emanuel and Friedemann, playing an important role in bridging the gap to the Romantic era.
This choice demonstrates his flexible adaptability and ability to assess market demand, reflecting a strategic decision to establish his own brand. Moreover, by shifting his focus to operatic and theatrical music, Christian Bachʼs name and works naturally gained wider recognition. It can be said that this pursuit of originality elevated him to a position of influence for later composers such as Mozart.