This site introduces unknown Emanuel Bach (C. P. E. Bach).
Asked ChatGPT4o: “Mozart, who was continually influenced by Christian Bach, was likely aware of Bachʼs *La clemenza di Tito*. Why did he compose an opera on the same subject?”
There is no definitive evidence that Mozart knew Christian Bachʼs *La clemenza di Tito*, but several factors might explain why Mozart composed an opera on the same subject.
Commissioned Work: Mozart composed *La clemenza di Tito* in 1791 after being commissioned for the coronation of Emperor Leopold II in Prague. At the time of the commission, Mozart had limited choices for librettos, and he selected *La clemenza di Tito* by Metastasio. This libretto had already been used by many composers, so Mozartʼs choice was likely influenced by this common practice.
Popularity of the Subject: *La clemenza di Tito* was a highly popular libretto in the 18th century, with many composers creating operas based on it. Besides Christian Bach, composers such as Gluck and Pergolesi also set this libretto to music. Therefore, Mozartʼs selection of this libretto was a typical decision within the musical culture of his time.
Universality of the Story: The story of *La clemenza di Tito* deals with the universal themes of mercy and forgiveness. Such themes were particularly suitable for special events like a coronation, and Mozart may have been drawn to these meaningful themes.
Influence of Christian Bach: If Mozart was indeed familiar with Christian Bachʼs opera, his respect for Bachʼs work may have inspired him to reinterpret the subject in his own style. Mozart frequently studied the works of other composers and often drew inspiration from them, so this could have been another instance of such influence.
Considering these reasons, Mozartʼs decision to compose *La clemenza di Tito* was likely a result of the musical culture of the time, the circumstances of the commission, and his own musical preferences.