This site introduces unknown Emanuel Bach (C. P. E. Bach).
In the catalog of Emanuel Bachʼs works, those marked with “Wq.-” in the Wq number column are works without Wq numbers.
Among Emanuel Bachʼs works, there are some that do not have Wq numbers. Many of these were not recognized by Wotquenne when he compiled the catalog in 1905, or they were undiscovered at the time. Works without Wq numbers include drafts, fragments, arrangements, or those that were unpublished.
Many of these works have been rediscovered in later research and are now organized by H numbers (Helm numbers). Particularly, many of Emanuel Bachʼs late works or those with experimental forms do not have Wq numbers assigned. These works are crucial for understanding the full scope of Emanuel Bachʼs oeuvre, and they have gained increased attention in recent research and recordings. Works without Wq numbers also serve as valuable resources that complement his diverse musical activities.