This site introduces unknown Emanuel Bach (C. P. E. Bach).
Asked ChatGPT4o: “Did C.P.E. Bach compose any keyboard works primarily intended for concerts?”
Among Carl Philipp Emanuel Bachʼs (C.P.E. Bach) keyboard works, there are several pieces primarily composed for concert performance. During his time in Berlin and Hamburg, Bach composed many works specifically for public concerts. Below are some notable examples:
C.P.E. Bach composed numerous keyboard concertos explicitly intended for concert performance, often featuring himself as the soloist. Examples include:
Some of Bachʼs sonatas were also composed with public concerts in mind. Notable examples include:
These works feature strong elements of improvisation, making them well-suited for concert performances:
Through these works, Bach showcased his advanced technique and expressive depth, captivating his audiences. Many of his keyboard compositions were created for concert performance, playing a significant role in the music scene of his time.
Asked ChatGPT4o: “Besides the mentioned works, are there other sonatas by C.P.E. Bach primarily intended for public concerts?”
Other keyboard sonatas by C.P.E. Bach that were composed mainly for public concert performance include:
These sonatas were composed with concert performance in mind.
Composed during Bachʼs time in Hamburg, these sonatas were intended for concert settings.
Published by Johann Carl Nagel, these sonatas were designed for concert performance.
Known as the “Sonatas for Connoisseurs and Amateurs,” these works were composed with public performance in mind.
Written during Bach’s time in Berlin, these sonatas were also intended for concert use.
These sonatas were crafted to demonstrate both Bach’s compositional and performance skills, leaving a lasting impression on audiences. Their expressive qualities and technical challenges set new standards for keyboard music.
Asked ChatGPT4o: “Were harpsichords used in public concert performances of Bach’s keyboard works?”
During C.P.E. Bach’s era, both the harpsichord and the fortepiano were used for keyboard performances. The choice of instrument for public concerts depended on several factors:
In C.P.E. Bach’s public concerts, the harpsichord was primarily used in his earlier years, but the fortepiano gained prominence later. The choice of instrument varied depending on the time, venue, and program, but both played significant roles in his performances.