This site introduces unknown Emanuel Bach (C. P. E. Bach).
ChatGPT4o writes as follows (please note that it may not be accurate):
Emanuel Bachʼs Prussian Sonata No. 6 Wq. 48-6 (H. 29) is the final piece in a collection of sonatas dedicated to King Frederick II of Prussia in 1742, and it possesses a comprehensive character. The first movement is in a clear sonata form, characterized by elegant melodies and lively development. While incorporating contrapuntal elements, the movement maintains a harmonious structure that is noteworthy. The second movement is rich in emotional expression, featuring typical elements of the Empfindsamer Stil (sensitive style). Delicate ornamental notes and rich harmonies in the melody create a deep lyricism. The third movement is a light and bright finale, dominated by dance-like rhythms throughout. This sonata symbolizes the maturity of Emanuel Bachʼs keyboard music, blending formal perfection with expressive emotion. Performances on the harpsichord or fortepiano, [as well as the clavichord,] highlight the intricate details of the music.