This site introduces unknown Emanuel Bach (C. P. E. Bach). This English version was translated from Japanese one by ChatGPT.
ChatGPT4o writes as follows (please note that it may not be accurate):
The Fugue in G Minor, Wq. 112-19 (H. 101-05) by Emanuel Bach is a work that stands out for its emotional depth and intricate structure within his keyboard music. This fugue employs traditional Baroque contrapuntal techniques while reflecting his uniquely expressive style. The theme is powerful and unfolds with tension, with each voice skillfully interwoven. Particularly, the unexpected modulations and rhythmic changes captivate the listener, adding dynamism to the musical flow. The diversity of emotions present in Emanuel Bachʼs works is fully displayed in this fugue, offering new discoveries with each listening. The fusion of innovation and tradition in his music is palpable through this piece.