This site introduces unknown Emanuel Bach (C. P. E. Bach).
ChatGPT4o writes as follows (please note that it may not be accurate):
Emanuel Bachʼs "Wq. 115" is a collection of chamber music works for keyboard and string instruments, highlighting his emotional expression and technical sophistication. In this collection, the keyboard instrument plays a role not only as a soloist but also engages in an equal dialogue with the string instruments, enhancing the ensembleʼs charm. "Wq. 115" features bold harmonic progressions and intricate structures characteristic of his "Empfindsamer Stil" (sensitive style), blending lyrical slow movements with lively fast movements in a balanced manner. Each piece possesses a unique personality, demanding advanced technique and sensitivity from the performers. This collection is an important volume that demonstrates Emanuel Bachʼs development of his own musical language while being influenced by his father, Sebastian Bach, and is cherished by many enthusiasts as part of the chamber music repertoire.
The introduction was written by ChatGPT4o.