This site introduces unknown Emanuel Bach (C. P. E. Bach).
Emanuel Bach Minuets I & II in D Major, Wq. 116/3 (H. 214)
ChatGPT4o writes as follows (please note that it may not be accurate):
Emanuel Bachʼs minuets are works that convey his unique musical style. While maintaining a classical form, his minuets incorporate unexpected harmonic progressions and rhythmic changes. This provides listeners with a fresh sense of surprise. His minuets often have rich emotional fluctuations, offering depth beyond mere dance music. The melodies are fluid, yet the occasional dissonance creates tension. This keeps the audience engaged, always anticipating what will happen next. Emanuel Bachʼs minuets exemplify his innovative musicality and possess an expressiveness that transcends the boundaries of classical music.
According to the commentary by Darrell M. Berg on Miklós Spányi's CD (BIS-CD-1329) (translated by ChatGPT4o):
"The Minuet in D Major, Wq. 116/3 (H. 214), is dated by Bach himself to 1766 and was published in ʼMusikalisches Vielerley.ʼ Bach arranged this work for two clarinets, two horns, two flutes, two violins, and basso continuo (Wq. 189/8). Each section of the first minuet begins with a military-like triadic melody and concludes with an ornamental melody typical of the galant style of the mid-18th century. The second minuet is written in B minor, with the two upper voices moving smoothly in parallel thirds and sixths."