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Homepage > ★C.P.E. Bachʼs Musical Works > C.P.E. Bachʼs Keyboard Solo Works > Character Pieces Wq. 117 > Character Piece Wq. 117-31 "LʼIrresoluë"

This site introduces unknown Emanuel Bach (C. P. E. Bach).

C. P. E. Bach Character Piece LʼIrresoluë, Wq. 117-31 (H. 111)

ChatGPT4o writes as follows (please note that it may not be accurate):
Emanuel Bachʼs "LʼIrresoluë" (Wq. 117/31) is a character piece written in G minor, musically expressing wavering emotions and indecision. The changes in rhythm and tempo, along with unexpected modulations, depict the "indecisive" psyche, showcasing the characteristics of the Empfindsamer Stil (sensitive style). Despite its brevity, the piece weaves tension and improvisational elements, demanding delicate expressiveness from the performer. The subtle movements of the heart are striking, and it was highly regarded as salon music.

According to the commentary by Darrell M. Berg on Miklós Spányi's CD (BIS-CD-1087) (translated by ChatGPT4o):
ʼIndecisiveness, or positively speaking, hesitation, is expressed through rhythmic techniques commonly found in early 18th-century dance music. This is achieved through hemiola (a type of syncopation where a fast pulse in triple meter is replaced by a pulse twice as slow, yet still in triple meter). At the beginning of this piece, Bach presents a 3/8 time signature as the basic meter but occasionally interrupts it by suddenly inserting two measures of 3/4 time.ʼ

For an overview of Wq. 117 as a whole, see Character Pieces Wq. 117 .


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Created: 2024-12-04 14:45   Edited: 2025-01-16