This site introduces unknown Emanuel Bach (C. P. E. Bach).
This piece is an arrangement for solo keyboard of the Sinfonia for orchestra, Wq. 175 (H. 650).
ChatGPT4o writes as follows (please note that it may not be accurate):
Emanuel Bachʼs Sinfonia in F Major Wq. 122-02 (H. 104) is a work that showcases his unique musical style. This sinfonia consists of three movements, each possessing distinct emotions and atmospheres. The first movement is a lively and energetic beginning, with a compelling strength that draws in the audience. The following second movement exudes a calm and introspective mood, expressing deep emotions. The final third movement features an elegant and light dance rhythm, adding a fitting brilliance to conclude the piece. This work demonstrates Emanuel Bachʼs diverse expressiveness and his role as a bridge to classical music.
For each piece in Wq. 122, explanations are provided in "C. P. E. Bachʼs Posthumous Collection of Keyboard Pieces Wq. 122".