This site introduces unknown Emanuel Bach (C. P. E. Bach).
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Symphony in E-flat Major No. 2 Wq. 183-2 (H. 664)
Movement I: Allegro di molto
Movement II: Larghetto
Movement III: Allegretto
ChatGPT4o writes as follows (please note that it may not be accurate):
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bachʼs Symphony Wq. 183-2 (H. 664) stands out among his symphonies for its wide range of emotions and expressiveness. The first movement begins with a lively and energetic start, immediately drawing in the audience. The following second movement flows with calm and deep emotions, creating a reflective atmosphere. The final third movement is marked by a light and rhythmic development, bringing the piece to a bright conclusion. This symphony is an excellent example of Emanuel Bachʼs innovative musical language and how he pursued expression beyond the boundaries of the Classical era.
Summarized by ChatGPT4o from the commentary attached to Sergio Cánovasʼs YouTube video of this piece:
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bachʼs Symphony Wq. 183-2 (H. 664) is characterized by its varied expressiveness in a three-movement structure. **The first movement (E-flat major)** is in ternary form, beginning with a festive theme that quickly transforms into an unstable tremor with rapid descending figures. Although a lyrical contrasting motif appears in the flute, the unstable movement is repeated during the development, and after the theme and contrasting melody are recapitulated, a short bridge leads to the next movement. **The second movement (E-flat major)** is a single-theme movement, where the orchestra plays a broad lyrical theme, and the delicate ornamentation of the woodwinds creates a sound that anticipates the Romantic era, but it quickly moves to the next movement. **The third movement (E-flat major)** is in theme and variations form, starting with a quiet introduction, and develops with rhythmic emphasis and long phrases in the strings. A contrasting short phrase is added midway, and despite minimal ornamentation, the modulations and rhythms stand out, concluding with a bright and brilliant coda.
Complete performance by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Chamber Orchestra