This site introduces unknown Emanuel Bach (C. P. E. Bach).
This English version was translated from Japanese one by ChatGPT.
Emanuel Bach Keyboard Concerto in D minor Wq. 17 (H. 420)
1st Movement: Allegro
2nd Movement: Un poco Adagio
3rd Movement: Allegro
ChatGPT4o writes as follows (please note that it may not be accurate):
Emanuel Bachʼs Keyboard Concerto Wq. 17 (H. 420) is a work in D minor composed around 1745, belonging to his Berlin period. It is a dramatic and emotional concerto consisting of three movements. The first movement presents a tense minor theme, with dynamic interactions between the keyboard and orchestra. While based on sonata form, the harmonic changes and rhythmic innovations provide a dramatic development to the piece. The second movement features introspective and lyrical melodies characteristic of the empfindsamer Stil, highlighting deep emotional expression. The final movement maintains the minor character while unfolding energetic and technically demanding music in rondo form. This concerto exemplifies Emanuel Bachʼs emotional expressiveness and technical compositional skills, symbolizing the transition to Classical music. Its dramatic development and profound emotions leave a strong impression on both performers and audiences.
Miklós Spányi writes in CD (BIS-CD-768) as follows (translated by ChatGPT4o):
The D minor Concerto H.420 (W.17) is the first of three D minor concertos written within a short span of three years. During this period, Emanuel Bach was certainly familiar with and performed his father Johann Sebastian Bachʼs famous D minor Keyboard Concerto (BWV 1052), of which an early versionʼs manuscript remains in Emanuel Bachʼs hand. He explored this versatile and distinctive key, continuously documenting his personal ideas regarding its powerful “affect.”