This site introduces unknown Emanuel Bach (C. P. E. Bach).
C. P. E. Bach Sonata in E minor Wq. 65/30 (H. 106)
1st Movement: Allegretto
2nd Movement: Andante
3rd Movement: Allegretto
ChatGPT4o writes as follows (please note that it may not be accurate):
Emanuel Bachʼs Sonata in E minor Wq. 65/30 (H. 106) is one of the most emotionally rich and expressive works among his keyboard music. This sonata, while influenced by his father Johann Sebastian Bach, showcases a unique style that marks the transition to the Classical period. The first movement is lively yet introspective, captivating the listener with its charm. The following second movement is characterized by a serene melody filled with deep emotion, highlighting Bachʼs delicate expressiveness. The final third movement returns to a lively tempo, providing an energetic finale suitable for concluding the piece. This sonata not only demonstrates Emanuel Bachʼs distinctive musical language but also reflects the musical transitions of his era, holding a particularly important place in his keyboard music.
According to the commentary by Darrell M. Berg on Miklós Spányi's CD (BIS-CD-1198) (translated by ChatGPT4o):
"This work was composed in Berlin in 1756. Although it is a short and relatively simple piece, it serves as an excellent example of Bachʼs sentimental style and his fondness for varied repetition. The first movement, ʼAllegretto,ʼ includes many melodic phrases known as ʼsighsʼ and whimsical rhythmic changes. In the second movement, ʼAndante,ʼ a simple melody is first presented in a major key and then repeated in a minor key with a touch of melancholy. The final movement, ʼAllegretto,ʼ features subtle ornamentation, with variations added each time the short theme is repeated."
Miklós Spányi writes in CD (BIS-CD-1198) as follows (translated by ChatGPT4o):
"The Sonata in E minor (Wq. 65/30, H. 106) is a relatively small-scale work, yet it demonstrates a lyricism and sensitivity comparable to character pieces, showcasing some of Bachʼs most charming melodies. Indeed, all three movements of this sonata could be regarded as untitled character pieces."