This site introduces unknown Emanuel Bach (C. P. E. Bach).
Emanuel Bach Sonatina in G Major Wq. 98 (H. 451)
Movements I. Larghetto II. Allegro III. Alla Polacca
According to the commentary by Jane R. Stevens on Miklós Spányi's CD (BIS-CD-1097) (translated by ChatGPT4o):
Composed in 1762, the "Sonatina in E Major" (H.451 Wq.98) is a piece where Emanuel Bach used music he had previously composed, known as "character pieces," as a source (including "L’Auguste" used in the third movement). These character pieces became widely known in the early 18th century by the French harpsichordist and composer François Couperin (1668-1733) and were intended to depict specific individuals or characteristics. In these "character pieces," the music often reflected human traits and behaviors. For example, they were used as a means to understand personalities characterized by specific ways of walking or expressions.