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Character Piece Wq. 117-21 "La Prinzette"
This site introduces unknown Emanuel Bach (C. P. E. Bach).
C. P. E. Bach Character Piece "La Prinzette" Wq. 117-21 (H. 91)
ChatGPT4o writes as follows (please note that it may not be accurate):
Emanuel Bachʼs character piece "La Prinzette" (Wq. 117-21) is a lively and elegant work included in the 1765 collection of character pieces. It is set in D major, characterized by its bright melody and light rhythm. The title "La Prinzette" means "little princess" in French, evoking images of young noblewomen or royalty. As a result, the piece exudes a sophisticated brilliance and an approachable atmosphere. Performers are required to skillfully express the elegant character of the piece.
According to the commentary by Darrell M. Berg on Miklós Spányi's CD (BIS-CD-1198) (translated by ChatGPT4o):
"This work was published in Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurgʼs anthology ʼRaccolta delle più Nuove Composizioni di Clavicembalo di Differenti Maestri ed Autori per lʼAnno 1757ʼ (Leipzig, J.G.I. Breitkopf, 1757). The title refers to Baroness Johanna Benedikte, the wife of Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Prinzen. The only known connection between Bach and the Prinzen family is that the Baroness and her mother attended the baptism of Bachʼs second son, Johann Sebastian, in 1748. This piece features a brilliant melody and a structure where Lombard rhythms (dotted rhythms starting with a short note) alternate with intricate 16th-note ornaments."
For an overview of Wq. 117 as a whole, see Character Pieces Wq. 117