This site introduces unknown Emanuel Bach (C. P. E. Bach). This English version was translated from Japanese one by ChatGPT.
Here is a summary by ChatGPT4o about Carl Philipp Emanuel Bachʼs publication of sheet music and books. His involvement in publishing Johann Sebastian Bachʼs works was also significant and is included here. Since copyright did not exist at the time, even Beethoven faced challenges in publishing his works, and C.P.E. Bach similarly struggled to secure the rights to publish his own music.
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714–1788) made a significant impact not only as an 18th-century composer but also in the field of music publishing. He not only promoted his own works but also played a vital role in publishing the music of his father, Johann Sebastian Bach (J.S. Bach), ensuring that his legacy was passed on to future generations.
Publication of His Own Works
1. A Pioneer of Self-Publishing
C.P.E. Bach independently published his keyboard sonatas, concertos, and symphonies, securing his income as a composer. His sheet music gained popularity throughout Europe, spreading his fame.
2. Representative Published Works
- *“Prussian Sonatas”* (Wq. 48)
- *“Württemberg Sonatas”* (Wq. 49)
These works were highly regarded by music enthusiasts and educators of the time. Additionally, his keyboard concertos and symphonies were published, showcasing the innovative nature of his compositional techniques.
3. Theoretical Work: "Essay on the True Art of Playing Keyboard Instruments"
His instructional book, *Versuch über die wahre Art das Clavier zu spielen* (*Essay on the True Art of Playing Keyboard Instruments*), was published in two volumes in 1753 and 1762. This foundational text in 18th-century music education covers not only technique but also performance philosophy and remains widely read in various countries, including Japan.
Publication of J.S. Bachʼs Works
1. Preserving His Fatherʼs Legacy
After Johann Sebastian Bachʼs death, it was crucial for the family, especially C.P.E. Bach, to preserve and disseminate his music for future generations. Emanuel organized and published his father’s works, helping to broaden the reach of J.S. Bach’s music.
2. Publishing J.S. Bachʼs *Clavier-Übung*
Some of J.S. Bachʼs keyboard works were compiled and published by Emanuel. Notable examples include *The Art of Fugue* and *The Musical Offering*, which Emanuel recognized for their value and ensured their transmission to posterity.
3. Managing J.S. Bach’s Manuscripts
Emanuel safeguarded and managed his father’s manuscripts, facilitating their publication. His dedication led to the reevaluation of J.S. Bachʼs works in the late 18th century, profoundly influencing music history.
Significance of His Publishing Activities
1. Continuation of His Father’s Legacy
Without Emanuel’s efforts, many of J.S. Bach’s works might have been lost. His publishing initiatives were crucial bridges connecting his father’s music to future composers.
2. Establishing His Own Independence as a Composer
By publishing not only his father’s works but also his own, Emanuel solidified his status as an independent composer.
3. Contributions to 18th-Century Musical Culture
His publishing activities not only brought music to audiences but also contributed to the education of performers and students, becoming an essential element of the musical culture in the late 18th century.
C.P.E. Bach’s publishing efforts served to disseminate his own music while also preserving and transmitting the great legacy of his father, J.S. Bach. Without his dedication, the vital musical heritage of the 18th century might not be as appreciated today. Emanuelʼs publishing activities stand as a model for the preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage in music history.
C.P.E. Bachʼs *Essay on the True Art of Playing Keyboard Instruments* provides deep insights into the skills required for keyboard performance, focusing on aspects such as fingering and ornamentation. It concludes with a discussion on the concept of “good performance,” which Bach defines as the ability to convey the compositionʼs content and emotions to the audience, criticizing performers who rely solely on technique. He emphasizes that "to move others, one must first be moved oneself," highlighting the importance of emotion in musical expression.
Bach offers practical guidance on rhythm, articulation, and dynamics, presenting 18 “exemplary pieces” organized into six three-movement sonatas with progressively increasing difficulty. The final sonata’s last movement, a *Fantasia*, is particularly notable for its free development, reflecting his improvisational style.
In the second volume, Bach delves into realizing bass lines and completing harmonies, concluding with a chapter dedicated to improvisation. Here, he introduces free fantasias, discussing the importance of improvisation beyond tonal boundaries. Through improvisation, Bach elevated his music to new expressive heights, leaving behind exemplary works that emphasize the originality and influence of his musical legacy.