This site introduces unknown Emanuel Bach (C. P. E. Bach).
ChatGPT4o writes as follows (please note that it may not be accurate):
Emanuel Bachʼs Sonata in E Major Wq. 62/17 (H. 117) is a work that blends delicate emotional expression with innovation, consisting of three movements. The first movement unfolds a sophisticated melody within a lively tempo, featuring vivid modulations and unexpected progressions that are highlights of the piece. Emanuel Bachʼs characteristic free thinking infuses the entire movement with dynamism. The second movement possesses a calm and lyrical atmosphere, with soft melodic lines and rich harmonies that depict introspective emotions. The third movement concludes with a familiar melody repeated in a lively rhythm, full of brilliance and vitality. Performing on the clavichord accentuates the subtle dynamics and nuances, allowing for a deeper enjoyment of the pieceʼs rich expressions. This sonata symbolizes the charm of Emanuel Bachʼs keyboard music, where formal clarity and creativity harmonize.
The structure of Emanuel Bachʼs sonatas owes much to the binary form of dance movements, similar to other sonatas of the time. In its simplest form, this structure consists of two sections, with the first half being tonally ʼopenʼ and the second half ending in the home key. Like other contemporary composers, Bach extended the second half and incorporated a ʼrecapitulationʼ to emphasize the return to the home key, developing this form into a ʼroundedʼ binary form. All three movements of the Sonata in E Major Wq. 62/17 feature this ʼroundedʼ binary form, which Bach adopted in many of his first movements and keyboard sonatas.
For an overview of Wq. 62 as a whole, see Sonata Collection Wq. 62 .