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Homepage > ★C.P.E. Bachʼs Musical Works > C.P.E. Bachʼs Keyboard Solo Works > Solo Collection Wq. 62 > Sonata in B minor Wq. 62/22

This site introduces unknown Emanuel Bach (C. P. E. Bach).

C. P. E. Bach Sonata in B minor Wq. 62/22 (H. 132)

ChatGPT4o writes as follows (please note that it may not be accurate):
Emanuel Bachʼs Sonata in B minor Wq. 62/22 (H. 132) is one of the most emotionally rich and expressive works in his keyboard music. This sonata demonstrates his innovative style during the transitional period to Classical music. The first movement begins with a powerful and dramatic theme, showcasing Bachʼs characteristic contrapuntal elements. The second movement is marked by deep emotion and delicate expression, inviting the listener into a reflective world. The third movement offers a lively and rhythmic finale, beautifully concluding the overall structure. This sonata is an important work for understanding Emanuel Bachʼs unique musical language and the influence he had on later composers.

According to the commentary by Darrell M. Berg on Miklós Spányi's CD (BIS-CD-1198) (translated by ChatGPT4o):
"Bach composed this sonata in Berlin just before his journey to Zerbst in 1758, and it was published in the first volume of Johann Ulrich Haffnerʼs series ʼCollection récréative contenant VI sonates pour le clavecinʼ (Nuremberg, Haffner, around 1760). The first movement ʼAllegroʼ begins with an intense motif that frequently appears as a main melodic element. The second movement ʼAdagioʼ features a smoothly flowing melody through various rhythmic changes. The final movement ʼAllegrettoʼ is a short binary form movement characterized by the rhythm of a bourrée and symmetrical phrase structure, with all repeat sections written out and varied."

According to Miklós Spányi,"The Sonata in B minor (Wq. 62/22, H. 132) is one of Bachʼs simplest and most accessible sonatas to perform. However, its effect is very intense, dramatic, and captivating."

For an overview of Wq. 62 as a whole, see Sonata Collection Wq. 62 .

Markovina I. Allegro
Markovina II. Adagio
Markovina III. Allegretto

Spanyi I. Allegro
Spanyi II. Adagio
Spanyi III. Allegretto

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Created: 2024-12-03 23:50   Edited: 2025-01-16